Myst: The Book of Atrus

September 02, 2008

Hi. Today I want to start talking a bit about one of my favourite books. I-ve been telling Angelita about some of the books I like, but this one is special, because... well, when you read it perhaps you-ll realice the reason.

Atrus is an orphan. his mother, Keta, was very sick and died giving birth. His father, Gehn, got crazy for the pain and blamed it on the baby for his mother death and abandoned him the same day he was born in the desert, with his grandmother, Ana, who lives close to a volcano in a desert.

Life isn-t easy for joung Atrus and Ana, but they-re smart and cunning and they even manage to raise a flower garden. Atrus has a very cientific mind, and loves the tales that his granny tells him. Tales that talk about the D'ni, a culture that supposedly used to live under the ground and created nexus with other worlds. Wonderfull world, some even unbelievable and misterious, through the books they used to write. Noone could write those books if they weren-t D'ni.

One day, many years later, Gehn came back home to take his son with him. Ana didn-t want to let him go because she knows about Gehn-s madness, but he takes Atrus aways with the promise of bringing him back from time to time.

Atrus-s and Gehn-s trip takes them in a journey inside the volcano. and unforgettable and unbelievable trip that will help him discover his true roots, to know his father and his intentions and that Granny-s tales...

... could be more than just stories.

Myst: The Book of Atrus is the first part of a trilogy by Rand and Robyn Miller. Is also part of the sequel that started with the game MYST. The sequel of games already has 5 deliveries as far as I know and it's been rumoured that a fourth book may come out some day, but I don't have many hopes about that, although I'm eager to read it if it appears.

I have absolutely no idea on where to find this books in libraryes, but I think you can get it through Amazon or perhaps you can download it somewhere, but the net's big enough to find anything, no? I believe I've read the whole trilogy like 10 times and every time I re-read it I like it more and more.

I'd highly recommend it.


Tiffany said...

I will definitely have to find this series and add it to my list of books to read.

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